Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mark Hansel at Jack The Pelican: Sept 7-Oct 7

On the other hand..
'Youth is Wasted', a show by Mark Hansel at Jack the Pelican is a waste of time. Poorly executed with vacuous subject matter, this show encapsulates a lot of things I don't like about the current art scene. There are artists that deal with youth well - Ryan McGinley for one in his depiction of transient moments and aspects of youth that slip beyond our grasp. But here Hansel merely offers bland idealized stereotypes that smack more of the extended childhoods of Williamsburg 20 somethings (and 30 somethings for that matter) than any real celebration or evocation of youth.


Oly said...

Spot on here!!!
Love it.

Glad to find your blog.
Will definitely put up a link.


the convex mirror said...

Oly, many thanks. glad you like it.

Oly said...

Anxiously awaiting your next blog.




Adam said...

Hi, this is Adam from the waitsforchristmas blog - can you send me a mail to chat about your question (don't want to do it publicly for certain reasons!)

Mail is adam . maguire @ (without the spaces, obviously!)